Beaconsim is a full fledged solution for Critical Communication (TETRA, LTE, 5G, DMR, digital PMR, Tetrapol, Mesh or proprietary networks) training and planning. Our advanced radio and C&C dispatcher simulators allows you to measure and control your trainings for better real-life results. Our solutions range from a virtual classrooms of few students to self-learning of thousands. We have customers in 28 countries in Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia.

Main Benefits

Real-life advantages

Simulator exercises and direct feedback teach the correct procedures and operations in real-life situations.

Measure learning

See an overview of your organization’s current skill level and the areas of improvement.

No travelling

Remote-based means that you’ll save both time and money.

Student engagement and satisfaction

Training becomes interactive and fun. Students are more motivated and happier.

Validate learning

Follow the skill development on the organizational, departmental and individual level.

Benefits for Managers

Standardized content

The content is not dependent on a single trainer. All students have access to the same high-quality content.


Once the training content has been made, thousands of students can be trained without any additional effort.

LMS and SSO integrations

Integration to an existing LMS or SSO such as Moodle or Windows AD are available.

Turnkey delivery

Possibility for a turnkey solution where everything, including hosting, is taken care for you.

Easy user management

Students can create their own user accounts.

Benefits for Trainers

Flexible trainings

Run all levels of trainings, from simple button exercises to advanced SOP-based communication trainings from single platform.

Real functions - simulator benefits

The simulator is 1:1 copy of your organization’s radio with real radio parameters.

Rich training content

Add picture sequences, video, audio trainer stories and magnet boards to bring the training closer to real-life situations.

We do it all

Course content available for all radio models and any language.

Built-in editor

Easy to use graphical editor to keep the training content up to date or to create your own content.

Benefits for Students

Learn on your own pace

Everyone learns differently – take your time and rehearse when ever you need.

Use any device

Access the training from your work laptop, home desktop or using a tablet.

Proof of learning

After successfully completing a training and taking a final exam you’ll receive a certificate to hang on your wall.

Low-threshold training, real-life mastery

Learn hard-to-teach features such as making Emergency Calls and Queueing in a safe, low-stress environment.

Learning super-charged

Instant continuous feedback gives you measurable results in short time.

Simulator training is reality-based, measurable and easily controlled by the trainer.

Our Solutions


ONE is a self-learning system for radio users with interactive radio simulators and it enables fast training of large organizations. Learning targets can be defined and results measured. Text, pictures, video and audio are accompanied by simulator demos and exercises with which users learn at their own pace whenever they have time. Simulators can be adjusted to have the likeness of real radios, with the right talk groups, folders and other settings. Users receive feedback on their learning and get a certificate after they have reached the required level. If simulator tests are repeated for example annually they can be used as a prerequisite for a user license or for attending a simulator drill.

ONE is installed at a server and its courses are used from any PC, laptop or tablet and it does not require any special program installations – browser suffices.

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TEAM is a virtual classroom including a virtual radio network with its radio terminals, dispatchers, C&C, field command and data applications. It’s a simulated radio network that has the real network’s functionality, fleet maps, talk groups, folders and other parameters. TEAM ensures learning in an environment which is realistic without the risk of doing something wrong or using resources which are needed elsewhere.

Virtual classroom enables trainer-led training even remotely – without travelling. It features group exercises and scenarios with group dynamics which self-learning exercises lack. During exercises the trainer is in control and can follow each individual’s progress: focus is on learning instead of training. Students’ activities can be recorded: speech items, key pressings and their timings. These form an objective base for the de-briefing session after the scenario.

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PLAN provides a virtual communication environment where different fleet maps, operating procedures terminal parameters and network settings can be tried out in a safe, simulated environment. In order to have a successful roll-out planning and defining those should start already long before the real network or new services are up and running. This saves time and supports the change management process as the functions and services of the new radio network can be introduced to all user organizations in a timely manner without time consuming re-iterating phases. Engaging end users right from the start of the project is essential for the success, acceptance and efficient usage of the network.

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LAB is a flexible radio network test bed for own development and testing purpose. The simulator offers various API and PEI interfaces which can be selected to match the development needs. The simulated interfaces have exactly the same functionality as the real interfaces. By that, LAB provides independency of network manufacturers’ testbeds and gives flexibility for lab testing and customer trials. Thus, simulator testing reduces travelling times and costs as well as expensive testing fee expenditure.

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Product Introduction


Language Name Description
English RadioResource Media Group "Australia’s Vertel Partners on Virtual Training for Emergency Services", RadioResource Media Group, 2019
English The Critical Communications Review "ASTRID Police Inspectors Participate in the Development of TETRAsim", The Critical Communications Review, 2019
English Radio discipline, Critical Communications Today "Hope for the best, train for the worst" in the Critical Communications Today Magazine, September 2018.
Dutch TETRAsim article in SWITCH magazine TETRAsim article in the ASTRID’s SWITCH Magazine, issue 34. Dutch edition.
French TETRAsim article in SWITCH magazine TETRAsim article in the ASTRID’s SWITCH Magazine, issue 34. French edition.
English Airbus product description Airbus product descriptions in English, 4 pages.
English Motorola product description Motorola product descriptions in English, 4 pages.
English Sepura product description Sepura product descriptions in English, 4 pages.
German Airbus product description Airbus product descriptions in German, 4 pages.
German Motorola product description Motorola product descriptions in German, 4 pages.
German Sepura product description Sepura product descriptions in German, 4 pages.
Finnish Airbus product description Beaconsim Airbus product descriptions in Finnish, 4 pages.

“When the trainer shows the results trainees see how fast they are compared to their colleagues. This causes a ’Formula 1 effect’ as everybody would like to be the winner.”

– Police, Saxen

“With simulator training users can train exercises as many times as they need. Every one learns at different pace!”

– Laurea University for Applied Sciences, Espoo

“Before the BOSnet was in use we wanted to test our operating plan and communication procedures. With TETRAsim we could do this and in the process we made adjustments before any big scale training or terminal roll-out had started.”

– Fire Institute of NRW, Münster